The farm is managed as a mixed arable and livestock unit, with crop production and sheep.
We have 110 acres of arable fields, which are this year planted to winter wheat, oil seed rape and beans for cattle feed. We also have 110 acres of grassland, on which sheep are grazed and about 35 acres of woodland.
The soil is clay loam over either clay or red stony shale, varying from good, free-draining arable land to Culm Measure moorland. The moorland is farmed in close cooperation with the Devon Wildlife Trust as part of their Working Wetlands project and great progress has been made in restoration of wildflower meadows.
The farm is on land ranging from 150m to 185m above sea level, with a mix of flat land and valley slopes.
Below are a selction of images taken from around the farm. Click on the images to enlarge.